Incident on Petronius IV (Part 2)

“The rest of the night passed uneventfully. In the morning, the storm was gone—and the sun was blazing. We picked up the advance and reached the main facility after an hour. Again, we saw signs of lasgun fire everywhere—and signs that heavier ordinance had been used. A security […]

Incident on Petronius IV (Part I)

Editor’s Note: The incident on Petronius IV was fought as a tabletop battle at the Historicon 2011 wargame convention in Valley Forge, Pa. Four players fought this narrative-style, half-wargame / half-roleplaying fight—and this is their story. Events recorded here should be considered background material of a military action that […]

Prysmos (Eudoxos IV)

A Class M planet in the Eudoxos System, Prysmos was a biologically pristine world where the ruling aristocracy sought to balance industrial development with ecological stewardship. This policy, which gained popularity in the 35th Millennium, sought to create an industrial economy that avoided the need to import food […]

Knights of Altair

“We will wage war until the Emperor’s light shines upon every world in the galaxy. We will not rest until that day arrives. Any who oppose the Emperor shall face annihilation.”—High Marshal Ioculus at the Battle of the Flaming Sky The Knights of Altair are a loyalist 23rd […]

How this campaign works

The Clorvus Cluster is a “narrative campaign” set in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe. This blog is the medium by which participants can follow—and, in some cases, shape—the course of events within the campaign. What is a narrative campaign? It is, in essence, an ongoing story inspired by […]

Belzagor (Sculptor IV)

Balzagor is an Imperial Hive World, a satellite of the gas giant designated as Sculptor IV. The moon’s ancient manufactorum, whose origins date back to the Great Crusade, now covers half the moon and produces everything from household goods to small spacecraft. The manufactorum is known across the Sector […]

Hegira (Sculptor IId)

The fourth moon of Sculptor II is an arid world of coppery soil and immense deposits of promethium and rare earth minerals—and has served as an Imperial mining world since the Great Crusade. More recently, however, it has become an increasingly war-torn world with much of the southern […]

The Sculptor System

Sculptor is a heavily populated star system located in the Messier subsector of the Corvus Cluster. The system is notable for four gas giants (out of seven) that orbit within the narrow habitable zone of the single Class G star—and for the system’s contested status between the Imperium […]

High Marshal Adrias Ioculus

One of the foremost strategists of his day, High Marshal Ardias Ioculus began his honored rise through the ranks of his chapter on the first day he was sent into battle as a Scout Marine: He single-handedly ambushed a dozen Chaos Death Cult warriors on the war-torn world of […]