Category: Painting

Adding Tarantula sentry guns

I want to thank one of our followers, Daveb, for a great idea. While analyzing the defeat of the 17th Battalion, 4th Morkai PDF Regiment (Mutants seize Madad’za Channel), I commented on the effectiveness of the mutants’ unique ambush skills (the mutants are played using the 7th Edition […]

New ork warband loves koptas

There’s a new threat facing the Imperium: a new ork warband that I call “Gutkrumpa’s Kill Koptas.” Admittedly, this ragtag band of greenskins is a pretty minuscule threat at the moment. It consists of only 10 orks. But I have hopes for these guys. To be honest, I […]

Painting: A flurry of Necrons

TheGM: With my weekly gaming club on hiatus, my hobby activities have been limited to painting and solo gaming. To stay in touch with everyone, one club member started posting his painting output and encouraging others to do the same. So, as I love to paint, my output […]

Painting: The Baneblade “Nemesis”

I’ve just completed my largest—and best—painting project of my life, and I’m “tickled pink.” So, please humor me as I show off my new Baneblade. It’s named “Nemesis.” I found this large model—in an unopened box—at the flea market of a local hobby convention. The owner wanted it […]