Category: Tophet Campaign

The bitter taste of defeat

Deep in the bowels of the planet, in the heart of the Necron command center, the rumble of distant explosions shook the floor and disturbed millennia-old dust that rained down from the vaulted ceiling above. The cryptek known as Aubastet stood unmoving. The dust was insignificant, and his […]

Necron threat ends on Tophet (Part 1)

Imperial Bulletin (6 369 741.M41)—The citizens of Tophet are celebrating in the streets as news spreads that the Knights of Altair have won a great victory over the Necrons, and that other Imperial forces are taking advantage of this xeno defeat to launch a series of offensives intended […]

Necron threat ends on Tophet (Part 2)

Victory Seized Although one member of the Honor Guard fell to enemy fire, the rest of Ioculus’ bodyguard closed with the Deathmarks and slaughtered them in their entirety. The Astartes then turned and raced toward the Destroyers, who were being savaged  by a strafing attack by a passing […]

Necron forces advance on Tophet – Part 1

“You dare to claim this world? It was ours when your ancestors still lived in the trees. You are vermin, an irritating infestation that must be exterminated.“—Rohotep, Lord of Tophet and vassal of the Dryllian Regency. Strategic Background Tophet is a lightly populated, industrialized world on the eastern […]